- Barna Recycling
- Jul 31, 2015
Top Summer Recycling Tips for Kids!

With the children on holidays from school and a long weekend on the horizon, this can only mean one thing – more waste! Why not encourage your children to learn about recycling, and who knows they might enjoy it!
Follow these handy tips that will tell you all you need to know…
Recycling Tip One – Easy Access to Bins
Try to have two to three bins in your kitchen. Depending on your area you may or may not have a food compost bin. Clearly label the bins and associate each of them with a colour; black for general waste, blue or green for recycling and brown for food waste. This will make it easier for children of all ages to tell them apart. You could even get the little ones to draw pictures to place on the bin.
Recycling Tip Two – Don’t Let Events Disrupt your Routine
Having a BBQ? -If the sun makes an appearance! – make sure you have bins in your garden, clearly labelled for your guests, one for general waste, a second for recycling and a third for food.
Recycling Tip Three – Reuse your Shopping Bags
Reduce waste by reusing your shopping bags on your grocery shopping trips instead of buying plastic bags at the checkout. Always leave reusable bags in the boot of your car so you won’t forget them. This will not only save you money but reduce your carbon footprint. Did you know it takes between 20 and 1000 years for plastic bags to breakdown in landfill!
Recycling Tip Four – Search for a Second Hand Alternative
Instead of buying brand new school books, talk to your friends or neighbours with older children that may have unused school books lying around the house.
Recycling Tip Five – Recycle on the Road
On road trips or picnics bring food and snacks in reusable containers. Don’t forget to also bring bags in the car to collect recyclables and look for bins along your way.
Have your children help, and teach them about recycling now so they will practice it throughout their life.