- Barna Recycling
- Apr 14, 2015
Take the Yuck Out of Food Waste!

Barna Recycling are delighted to partner with OBEO, an Irish company who have developed an easy-to-use, sturdy food waste box which holds up to 2kg of food waste. It’s water-resistant and closes tight so it keeps those nasty smells locked away. Once your OBEO box is full, it can be placed directly into your Barna Recycling brown bin.
The good people at OBEO are giving Barna Recycling customers 10% off online purchases of OBEO at www.weareobeo.com. Simply enter the discount code barnarecycling2015 at the checkout or click the button below. You can also purchase OBEO at Dunne’s Stores and Supervalu’s around the country.