
Do you know your Recycling Logos?

We all want to do what we can to protect the environment for the generations to come, but it is important that we do it correctly.  The list of recycling logos can be confusing. It is important we know what each of them mean so that we can be sure we are recycling our waste in the right way.   To learn what is allowed and not allowed in your Barna Recycling Blue Bin, follow this link ‘What Goes in my Blue Bin?’.

The list of recycling logos can be confusing. It is important we know what each of them mean so that we can be sure we are recycling our waste in the right way.



Glass recycling logo

Glass Recycling

This symbol indicates that once glass products have been washed, they can be recycled in a glass recycling bottle bank

The green dot

The Green Dot

This is a European trademark that producers and suppliers include in their packaging which  advises consumers that they have contributed financially to the recycling of the product’s packaging. This symbol does not mean that the packaging is recyclable.


Aluminium Recycling

This indicates that aluminium packaging can be recycled.

Steel recycling

Steel Recycling

This symbol indicates that steel can be recycled.

Paper recycled

Paper Recycling

This symbol indicates that paper packaging can be recycled.

Mobius Loop

Mobius Loop

This symbol indicates that the products packaging can be recycled but does not automatically mean it is accepted in all recycling collection systems.

Wood recycling

Wood recycling

This symbol indicates that the wood can be recycled.Tidyman


Do not litter. Dispose of your rubbish carefully and thoughtfully.

Plastic Recycling

Plastic Recycling

This symbol can be used to identify the different types of plastic. Most of the plastic recycling facilities in Ireland will accept PET and HDPE bottles. Check with your local recycling facility to see what types of plastic they accept for recycling.