- Barna Recycling
- Dec 14, 2015
Christmas Gift Wrapping that Wastes Less

Christmas is the most festive period of the year which means there is plenty of food, Christmas cards, decorations and wrapping paper bought every year. Unfortunately, most of this is wasted or not disposed of properly.
According to thejournal.ie over Christmas Irish households will use;
- Enough glass to bottle 1.2 million cases of wine.
- Or to make 1.9 billion glass Christmas tree baubles.
- And enough plastic to make 2.4 million Elsa dolls.
Here are some tips for you and your family so you can do your bit to help the environment over the Christmas period!
Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper and ribbons from Christmas gifts can be reused, so why not be careful when unwrapping your gifts so that they can be stored and reused the following year? They can also be kept and used again for a children’s artwork box.
Cardboard Boxes
With so many presents, toys and selection boxes exchanged during the Christmas period it leads to an influx of cardboard waste at this time of year. Why not hold on to some of the cardboard boxes to store your Christmas decorations back up in the attic, or recycle them flatten them as much as possible before disposing of them in your recycle bin.
Christmas Cards
Your Christmas cards can also be recycled, or why not hold on to the front page of the card for the kids to use as part of their art box which can be made as a Christmas collage or as a decorated gift tag for next year.
Christmas Toy Catalogues
Use your Christmas toy catalogues to make Christmas collages, or recycle them in your recycling bin.
Keep an eye on our newsletters over Christmas so you are aware of the Christmas Holiday Collections.
Barna Recycling would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and custom throughout 2015.
We wish you and your family a Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for 2016.