
School Easter Competition Winners

Barna Recycling would like to thank all of the schools for participating in our school Easter competition. We had so many responses and all of the entries were extremely colourful and creative.

It was very difficult to choose the winners as all of the entries were fantastic! Please view the winners of the colouring competition below:

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Get Creative With Your Waste This Christmas

Christmas is a time of festivity, giving and family but it is also a time where the levels of waste produced increases. Most of us forget to recycle or dispose of waste properly or are not aware of the recycling rules. In order to help our Barna Recycling customers dispose of their waste correctly, we have provided the below list to follow this Christmas.

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World Earth Day

World Earth Day Barna Recycling

Last week, the world celebrated Earth Day. April 22nd marks the anniversary of this modern environmental movement that began back in 1970.

The idea was formed by U.S Senator, Gaylord Nelson after witnessing the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. In 1990 Earth Day went global, mobilising 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage.

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Seven Super Ways to Recycle at School

Four school children learning to recycle

Teachers, we salute you! We are regularly contacted by primary school teachers throughout Connacht enquiring about clever and novel ways to help encourage school children to recycle. We’ve put together a few ideas to inspire primary school pupils to get involved in recycling. These ideas utilise waste items your class generates every day. Involving children in recycling from an early age teaches them lifelong skills!

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Do you know your Recycling Logos?

We all want to do what we can to protect the environment for the generations to come, but it is important that we do it correctly.  The list of recycling logos can be confusing. It is important we know what each of them mean so that we can be sure we are recycling our waste in the right way.   To learn what is allowed and not allowed in your Barna Recycling Blue Bin, follow this link ‘What Goes in my Blue Bin?’.

The list of recycling logos can be confusing. It is important we know what each of them mean so that we can be sure we are recycling our waste in the right way.

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It’s Repak Recycling Week!

Repak Ireland are on a mission to ‘Save our Nation from Contamination’. This week is all about understanding contamination when recycling. Contamination happens when non-recyclable items are mixed with recyclable items. According to Repak.ie over 169,000 tonnes of plastic packaging waste are generated per year in Ireland and due to contamination only 36% of plastics are actually recycled.

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Dealing with Hazardous Waste in your Home


Hazardous Waste Material



Some of the household products we use on a daily basis can be potentially hazardous to ourselves, our family and our pets. Items like household cleaners, batteries, light bulbs and paint all contain hazardous substances that need to be stored and disposed of in the correct manner. Read more