Archives Barna Recycling

Download our Free Customer Household App

Barna Recycling are delighted to announce that we now have a free Household Customer app available for our Barna Recycling Household Customers. The app is currently available for Android phones only but will be available for iPhone users in the next few weeks.

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Repak Pushing Recycling Education in Schools

recycling company

Repak recently created the ‘Recycle and Change for the Better’ education programme to teach students about best recycling practices in a response to the rising levels of recycling bin contamination in Ireland.

This programme is set up in the hope to change student attitudes and behaviours and encourage them to become passionate ambassadors. Repak have created 5 animation videos to teach the students about the importance of recycling. The videos include lessons from Jenny the Jam Jar, Cormac the Can, Bridget the Bottle, and Bobby the Box.

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World Earth Day

World Earth Day Barna Recycling

Last week, the world celebrated Earth Day. April 22nd marks the anniversary of this modern environmental movement that began back in 1970.

The idea was formed by U.S Senator, Gaylord Nelson after witnessing the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. In 1990 Earth Day went global, mobilising 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage.

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The Food Waste Charter Initiative

The Irish Government has launched a new food waste initiative to halve the food waste dumped here every year by 2030. This initiative was put in place by Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten.

The initiative includes leading retailers, who will be asked to agree changes in policy and practice that have an impact on cutting down food waste. According to the ‘around 40% of wastage comes from food production, while 60% comes from the household and commercial sector.

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St. Patrick’s Day Collection

St Patricks Day Barna Recycling

St. Patrick’s Day is nearly upon us. Barna Recycling will be collecting bins as normal this Friday the 17th March. Please make sure to put your bins out the night before as some areas may be serviced earlier than usual due to the St. Patrick’s Day parades.

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