
Are your family tuned into Pay By Weight?


  1. From the 1st of July households will now pay by kilogramme for what they place in their general waste and food waste bin, the former being more expensive. Under the system there will also be a flat-rate service charge, to cover the cost of the service team and service vehicle.


  1. The cost of collecting the dry mixed recyclable waste is included in the service charge. All items in your recycling bin must be clean and dry to avoid contamination and unnecessary weight.



  1. The majority of Irish households living on route that has a service, are required to have a bin service. Some Councils are making exceptions in unique cases, e.g. where the landscape prevents collection of wheelie bins (for example, if the access way is too narrow or steep) or where there is no storage space for example, in terraced houses with no garden.


  1. Bins will be weighed by the truck on each collection and all householders will have access to their weights. Barna Recycling make customer bin weights available to view on their customer portal within 3 days of collection. The National Standard Authority of Ireland has been tasked with checking the accuracy of bin weights of the 750 waste weighing trucks around the country.


  1. Bin contents will be strictly monitored by collection companies to ensure appropriate bin usage. Ongoing misuse of bins e.g. general waste being found in the recycling bin will result in additional charges and termination of contacts.


  1. While the general waste bin holds the most expensive waste type, proper recycling and composting will avoid unnecessary items from entering the general waste bin.


  1. Households concerned about third parties illegally dumping waste in their bins are advised to put their bins out for collection late in the evening the day before collection and bring them back in once collection has occurred.