Commercial Tank Services

Barna Recycling have a Mobile Dewatering Unit on the road providing a range of services. The mobile dewatering unit is available for the commercial sector and can be hired by contacting our office in Carrowbrowne, Galway on 091 771619.

We are happy to provide quotations for the following services:
Septic Tank Cleaning
Cleaning of Grease Traps
Unblocking Drains
Desludging of wastewater treatment plants
Emptying of oil interceptors

septic tank services | galway | mayo | sligo | roscommon | leitrim

Transport and treatment of sludge represents a considerable cost and environmental challenge for waste management companies and industry in general.  The mobile dewatering unit is developed to reduce the amount of waste and thereby expense to the customer for the treatment and transport of sludge products.  The dewatering system removes water from the sludge at the reception site and returns the water to the same source.  The amount of sludge to be transported and treated is reduced by up to 80%.