March 2018

Schools Easter Competition

Fancy winning an Easter egg?! Barna Recycling has created a colourful Easter competition for your school. There is a chance for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in each category.The best out of the bunch will win themselves an Easter egg!

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Recycling your Easter Egg Packaging!

It is hard to ignore the temptation of the brightly coloured Easter egg boxes in every shop. According to the Leitrim Observer, us Irish like them so much we go through an estimated 17 and a half million Easter eggs during the holiday.

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Notice for Change of Collections!


In order to catch up on the collections that didn’t take place last Thursday and Friday, our trucks are doing double shifts Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We hope to have most of the backlog cleared by Wednesday night. We will let customers know by text or email on the day prior to the collection taking place where possible.

We thank you for your co-operation while getting the backlog cleared.

Thank you for your patience,

The Barna Recycling team.